Anyone who’s done a lot of hiking in the LA area will tell you that Sandstone Peak is one of, if not the, most beautiful hikes within driving distance of the city. It’s a bit of a schlep to get there, as it’s on the very edge of Malibu—the turnoff is the just after Neptune’s Net, and you’ll drive 15 minutes up Yerba Buena Road until you get to the trailhead—but more than worth it. The hike itself is about six miles round-trip, and the entire way is filled with sweeping views of Westlake Lake and Sherwood Lake on one side and the ocean on the other, plus a section where you can see rock climbers scrambling up the Echo Cliffs. This is a really good place to come the day after a rainstorm, when the smog clears and you can see the snow on the peaks of the San Gabriel Mountains across the valley.